SISC WORKSHOP is aimed at empowering youth to help better our future community. We are hoping to offer a safe space where our participants can share their perspectives and ideas, develop themselves and improve their leadership skills throughout the workshop and field day.


Day 1: Charity day

Day 2: Capacity building


July 9th ~ July 10th 2022

We have successfully wrapped up the SISC WORKSHOP 2022!

On Day 1, the SISC workshop team spent the morning going to សាលាបឋមសិក្សាកុមារសង្គ្រោះ for a charity event and knowledge-sharing about oral hygiene. In the afternoon, we started off with a paper ball activity in which we each got to know more about everyone presented in the workshop. Slowly approaching the theme of self-identity, we reflected on our childhood memories to look back on what shapes us into who we are today and to remind ourselves again our goals of life. The visualization got us sinking deep into imagination of ourselves gradually gaining confidence. Furthermore, we opened up about our true self and encouragely remind everyone that we are here for each other.

On Day 2, the connections and team bonds between us became stronger through various team activities. Agreements and disagreements happened from communications in which we realized its importance. Touching upon the topic of power and influence, we gratefully would like to thank Mr. ម៉េន ម៉ាក់លី for kindly being our guest speaker of the day elaborating his journey of both influencing and being influenced by others and how far he has come towards community service despite the difficult road full of obstacles.

The delegates have fully grasped the different types of power in society and excellently acted out each scenario. After that, we moved to the highlight of the whole workshop, the project planning, in which we first discussed the Design Thinking process and set the goals accordingly to the S.M.A.R.T goals. Other than this, a letter to ourselves a year later was written to remind ourselves in the next year our goals and that we are doing great and perfectly fine. Nothing tops higher than the fun and exciting talent show in which everyone happily showcased their talents.

We gathered in small circles, stared at the light of the lit-candle, appreciated the calm and peaceful time within ourselves, and let out our challenging moments of life. Finally, anonymous appreciation was created for us to be grateful of the people here with us in these two days.

We would like to express our gratitude towards Sovannaphumi School, Banteay Mean Chey Campus for the warm and welcoming venue to conduct the workshop.

Special thanks to our lovely FACI Team for spending their valuable time and effort into making this happen.


Day 1: Identity

Day 2: Leadership


February 22nd~ February 23rd 2020

We started power and the influence of the people with power. Then, we discussed about how communication can be in many forms and is important in working as a team. We understand that we should take time given and not rush our work because we seek excellence and it’s not a competition. After that, we played a game that need hard concentration and we succeed. We promised to do better to ourselves. We understand the step and power of negotiation even we didn’t establish an agreement. We danced. We discussed more about the environment and plan projects. We signed in the Plastic Free Weekends. We wrote a letter to our future selves. Talent shows give opportunities for us to sing together and have fun. Last and most importantly, we appreciate and were appreciated.

We were amazed by how well everyone can express their ideas and share their story without any hesitant. We learned a lot from each individual and we hope you will become leaders and change makers. Remember to be yourself and the best version of you.

“We started as strangers and end up as family.”

We would like to give our respect and express our gratitude toward Sovannaphumi School - Banteay Meanchey campus for the venue as well as the opportunity to conduct our workshop.